
for all




We run basic instruction from getting out on your bike for the first time and laying down a solid basic skills foundation in which to build off.

  • Teaching safe bike handling skills. Sounds silly but getting off and on the bike in a safe manner up in the hills can be the sketchy-ist part of any one’s ride.
  • Body position. Playing around with your weight distribution between your two wheels, standing tall and swatting down for that rougher stuff. 
  • Braking. Where to brake on the trail, using both front and back brakes safely and how much we can pull on those levers.
  • Gears and cadence. Getting those pedals spinning at an efficient rate and making sure those gears aren’t making that “crunch” sound when we change.
  • And the all important bike set up! Having a play with your “cockpit” (all of those gadgets on your handle bars) and adjusting things so it’s all in reach of your fingers and thumbs.


We set some solid fundamental skills including body position, braking, vision and cornering

  • Cornering. The trails here can often be loose in the corners and we find our front wheels either digging in, washing out or just heading straight over the back of the corner!
  • We talk and play with line choice. Where to be braking and which one to use. What our eyes are doing as they can be a big culprit and where is our weight on the bike.
  • We go deeper into braking. Building confidence with your front brake. Where we want to keep the bike rolling and where to be on the brakes. 


Much like the Intermediate but we take it to the next level and throw in some more skills like pumping, pressure control, bike and body separation

  • It’s all about keeping the flow and being smooth as that’s what really puts a smile on our face at the end of the day! 
  • We go deeper into all of the basic skills and put them on slightly steeper terrain. It’s all about the basics and doing them well!

After 15 years off, I purchased a new bike and found myself facing the challenges of dropper posts and new geometry. Thanks to these lessons, I gained a fresh set of skills that completely eliminated any intimidation I felt. – David NZL